This is part 3 of a 3 part series on dating. You can find the previous 2 articles below: Part 1 Part for. In the previous articlewe discussed the type of person we christians consider dating and some important traits to examine during the period of evaluation. This causes pain, unnecessary heartbreak, confusion, and regret. We give ourselves away emotionally and physically to someone who is not our husband or wife.
With this in mind, I am going to give 6 recommendations on how we should date as believers. These are recommendations that I wish someone had given to me early on in my life. I pray that this advice would help you as christians pursue marriage and healthy God-glorifying relationships. If dating goal of dating is marriage, why would you start the race dating to not be able to finish it? This doesn't necessarily mean that you will. Dating before being in a position to get married brings a lot of chaos and confusion because there can be no God-glorifying intimacy or true commitment.
Date Prayerfully. This should be a given but unfortunately, we oftentimes forget to ask the Lord for direction and discernment. We should be praying both before we start dating and during the dating process.
The Biblical Approach to Dating
Ask the Lord to give you contentment in your singleness and to give you wisdom on when you should start seeking a future spouse. Christians need to ask the Lord for clarity, guidance, and direction in seeking after the right person and pursuing them in a God-glorifying way. Failing to ask God for these things shows that we think we can do it on our own. Ask the Lord for wisdom and direction throughout the entire period of evaluation and dating. The time available during the season of singleness can be used as a gift from God to do radical things in the work of ministry.
How to Approach Dating as a Christian
Live on mission and by doing so, you will prepare yourself to become the type of person, the type of person you want to marry, would want to marry. Date for evaluate, not to find intimacy or status. Way too many people date blooms onlyfans leaked daisy to date. We like to say we have a boyfriend or so that we can feel a certain level of validation and worth.
However, as Christians we should be dating with a view christians marriage in mind. Dating should simply be a time of getting to know someone and evaluating dating or not they are worth pursuing marriage with. Spend your time in public places continue reading alone.
During this period of evaluation, there will be times when you need to be alone to get to know the other person on a deeper level. Always let this be done in public places where other people are present. Go out to eat at restaurants, go to church together, attend sporting events, or hang out in friend groups. As believers, we are called to live above reproach.
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This simply means living in such a way that others cannot even question your dating or character. We should also not give our flesh the opportunity for unnecessary lust; for is simply a recipe for disaster. We must establish boundaries with the other person and be on the same page in our expectations physically. We should pursue purity at all costs, and for often helpful to bring community into your dating relationship. Others can bring accountability and helpful advice about your relationship. We need christians spend a certain amount of time to truly get to know someone and their character.
We need to make sure that their relationship with the Lord is legit. In the honeymoon stage of relationships, we are often blinded to the true character of a person. We need to spend a long enough time with them to see how for deal with conflict and difficulties. However, once you both know this is the person you should marry, I say get engaged.
If you followed recommendation number 1, you should already be in a place to marry. Guys, ask her to marry you, have a fairly quick engagement, and glorify Christ in your marriage. Be fruitful and multiply and create other image bearers for Christ who are being brought up in the ways of the Lord.
This is another command and purpose of marriage. I see no good christians to date someone for years and years or have long engagements. The longer you wait, the harder it is to remain pure and obedient in your relationship to Christ.
Conclusion The goal of dating is to marry. Jesus only gives his affection to His bride. He is only united and one with His chosen people. Are you making disciples together or living for your own pleasure?
The Modern Approach to Dating
Do others see Christ at the center of your relationship or do you look just dating the world? I pray these recommendations help you to live above approach, pursue holiness, and live on mission as you go about finding a spouse and honoring Christ check this out your relationships.
He is married to Cheyenne and has one child, Lofton.
August 7, by Hunter Christian. You can find the previous 2 articles below: Part 1 Part 2 In the previous articlewe discussed the type of person we should consider dating and some important traits to examine during the dating of evaluation.