Dorm hookup

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5 Tips for Cultivating a Sexy Atmosphere so your Hookup Forgets You’re in a Dorm Room

PETER, MN — College is a time for romantic experimentation and exploration, with students across campus taking advantage of the accessible community of young single people.

However, we can all admit that residential dorms are not the most conducive environment for sensual vibes. Harsh fluorescent lights, tiny twin beds, a literal roommate you have to coordinate with…man, what a boner killer. But worry not, dear readers, for we at the Fourth Crown are bursting with romantic knowledge. We all are obviously aware of our living situations as students on a college campus, but sometimes the dorm TO the dorm room is continue reading to squelch the embers of passion.

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Worse yet, you have no idea what your hook-up is thinking about the hallways, the door decs, any of it. We suggest blind-folding your hook-up and leading them by hand to your dorm room. Blind-folds are sexy, right?

Asking your roomie to bug off for the night hookup really awkward, even if you have the best of relationships. Skip that step and plan an elaborate scheme so they think their beloved grannie has kicked the can. Everybody knows the overhead light is a mood ruiner when it comes to hookups. You can see wayyy too much of the person you matched with two days ago on Tinder and they can probably see too much of you.

Turn em off, make it pitch black except for the light of one maybe vanilla scented candle, but in a distant corner. The sounds of a residence hookup are dorm what we want when trying to set the mood. Cover all that racket up with a sensual serenade of Jazz, preferably pres.

Trying to get down and dirty within the confines of a twin bed is easier said than done. Double the space, double the debauchery. The Fourth Crown wishes you all a happy boning season and hopes you make the best of these invaluable tips. Like Loading Follow Us:.

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